Being a physical being means that you will be in situations you don’t appreciate.
That being said, it also means that you have a free will and unique sight of “The All That Is.”
Not one human is like the other, but somewhere inside, you are all the same.
You have the same wishes, the same growing love inside you.
The only difference is that some understand it, while others try to ignore it.
War can only be there because of love.
Now let us explain. People tend to fight a war when they feel neglected or ignored.
When they have asked for solutions many times before, but no one heard them.
They felt lost… and more importantly alone.
Still fighting a war might not be the right way to get something.
It is like a little child. If its wish is to get candy, it will ask for it. Maybe once or twice the child would tell its wish.
Some parents tend to ignore them, making them cry in desperate need of being heard. Some other parents would tell the child that right now is not the time to get candy, cause they will have dinner in a few minutes.
The child that was being heard by its parents won’t necessary be happy, but it will understand, in the end, that candy can wait. It might get it afterwards.
It was being heard in its wishes, and that made the child understanding towards the parents.
Now imagine the child that is not heard, and won’t get the needed attention. It will wail, scream and maybe even project the wrong kind of behaviour. The kind of behaviour that hurts others. In that way the parents have to react on them, otherwise it will get out of control.
Like some people might say, negative attention is still attention. Be true to yourselves. When does something come into your newspapers. When it is awful and you have no other choice than to look right at the fact presented to you. You can’t ignore a war. But you can ignore a lost child.
In other words, people want to be heard. They want a voice of themselves, but sometimes don’t know how to use or find it. But never we found someone who said to the long lost children of this century. The ones that are fighting the war that is never ending and always caused by the same reasons. We heard you cry and we are here to help. Even if we don’t know how to do it, but we will make it work.
So sometimes you have to be patient. Wait for the evening to come so that you can have your candy. Maybe around that time you find out that it isn’t as good as you ought it to be, but in the end you have your candy and that is what you asked for. Isn’t it?