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Auteur Topic: Just a short Message  (gelezen 22934 keer)

Beam of Light

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Just a short Message
« Gepost op: januari 20, 2017, 08:10:04 am »

Ones night is flittering away. Into day and sunshine. It is one part to understand, that you are like a butterfly. Using your wings to fly, through day and through night. Be it that you are a moth or another butterfly.

You can survive both times. In the day you shine, with purefied beauty and sharm. In the nights you hide with darkness melted to your wings. Hidden from the eyes.

Still you will seek out the outlandish beauty of flowers. Pink, red, yellow blended together. In a unique form that only nature can show.

If you can not find the beauty inside. You very well will find it on the outside.

Blended in you are both the moth and the butterfly. Waiting for the perfect moment to fly...


It's been a long time ago that I linked with them. Inbetween school and normal living life, I did not find the time to allow them any room they might need to speak. The last few days they were calling me again. For what purpose remains unknown to me. I only know that with the start of a new year, only just a little over a week ago; it promises to be a fullfilling year. Without futher ado, I wish each and every on of you to find that what your soul searches and be that what is needed. Grow, be it spiritual or physical.

I for one can say that I am not afraid of what is to come. While I am worried for those around me. Knowing fully well that when Isaac calls upon me. There is reason. One that walks hand in hand with  pain and wisdom. But it is not up to me to decide what this year may or may not hold. Neither is it to them. It is to yourself.

I wish you a journey that remembers you of light, even though you are taking recidence in the darknest of nights.

-Beam of Light
(another one of my nicknames/pseudonym)


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Re:Just a short Message
« Reactie #1 Gepost op: januari 20, 2017, 10:45:56 pm »

Nice one, nothing to add. :)

Though Isaac can speak dutch too... ;)

Bedenk niet wat je morgen kan gaan doen, maar doe het gewoon!

Als je met een ernstig probleem geconfronteerd wordt, denk dan zeer goed na. Is er een oplossing, dan heeft het geen zin u op te winden. Is er geen oplossing, dan heeft het geen nut u op te winden.

Twijfel is niet meer van deze tijd. Twijfel betekent gewoon nee!

Beam of Light

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Re:Just a short Message
« Reactie #2 Gepost op: januari 20, 2017, 10:54:04 pm »

Nice one, nothing to add. :)

Though Isaac can speak dutch too... ;)

Hahhaha he can.

But some of those words had a better ring in English for me. I really need to improve that Language.  :)
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