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Our body is a biological machine
« Gepost op: juni 23, 2015, 11:12:57 pm »

Us people think that our bodies are part of who we are, and in a way, this is true. Still, our bodies are biological machines that we control through our minds which we control through our soul.

Before I'll explain this principle, let me give you a comparison first. You can view our body as a computer. It has a casing and power = body and bloodflow in our body, it has software that controls our computer = mind, and it has a user who determines what will happen = soul.

If you look to what our mind is, you'll come to the conclusion that it is some kind of energy that has the ability to control our body through our brain. It is not strange that our scientists have proven that our brain is electrically charged. When our mind has settled in our body, it will emit electricity in order to move our body. Our mind is capable to transfer our wish into a form of movement or alike in our body. Its also possible for our mind to make simple decisions. These decisions are automated and are self-taught. Think of reflexes. Our mind is also capable to move your body on auto-pilot. Think of this as the fact that you don't die if your mind wandered off while riding a bicycle or driving a car without causing accidents. Your mind temporarily takes over the job of your soul and alerts you at the moment when your soul is required to make a decision that the mind cannot make.

Creating the human body
So, the human body is basically a machine. This machine is created by your parents by copying pieces of their own machine (DNA) and fusing it together in a biological process. This DNA contains the shape of your body, skin color, etc. Although a mind is also created during this process, its nearly empty. The only thing the mind has at birth are instinctive properties. The mind will grow as it experiences new things and it will learn how to control the body. Using this method, you'll learn how to walk, talk, etc. Do not mistake this for the soul though. The soul already knows how to talk, walk, etc and will instinctively try to communicate this with the mind. The mind however, has not yet learned how to talk, walk, etc and thus does not know how to transform these commands to the brain. As a result it will try anything until it is able to do whatever you want to do, such as walking, talking, etc.

Communication between from the soul to the mind.
The soul is the part you take with you from life to life. The soul is also the part of you that gets more experienced and brings a lot of information through every incarnation. So if we have all this knowledge, then why can't we communicate as an adult from the start? The reason for this is quite simple. Communication from the soul to the mind is not 1 on 1. If your soul wants to talk, it will not make the mind say something word for word. Instead it will send one thought that has the meaning of what needs to be said. For example: If the soul wants to thank someone because they just got you a drink, the soul will communicate to the mind: Thank person. The mind receives this command and starts to look: How did I learn to respond to "Thank person"? The mind then sends signals to the mouth and vocalcords to create a "Thank you" sound.

Dyslexia is a form of miscommunication between the mind and soul.

So what happens exactly when someone is drunk or doing drugs?
Alcohol causes for a bad conduction between the mind and the brains, which causes the mind to be less capable of controlling the functions of the body. This of course includes movement, but also accessing our memory.

Drugs can have a similar effect as being drunk but an additional cause is that drugs will stimulate the brain to send different information to the mind. This allows the mind to see things that normally are not viewable. Whether this information is reliable or not is something I can't say, simply because this is different per drug but also per user. Some drugs allow to access spiritual properties where others allow to access our fantasy.
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